Some Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns

We live in a digital world now, where technology has enabled us to access information anytime, anywhere and with social media ruling the roost, it is but no wonder that the marketers are having to brainstorm to change their game. Now, the consumers have so many channels of accessing information and so many voices of recommendation that direct marketing no longer appeals to them which is why it is of utmost importance that the markers need to rope in the celebrities, influencers to spread the word about their brand or, some specific product.

Influencer marketing has already started making its presence felt and there have been some amazing campaigns whose success encourages others to follow suit. So, let's have a look at some of these.

Manyavar makes a point

When it comes to men’s ethnic wear, Manyavar happens to enjoy immense popularity as a popular brand. ‘Aadha Aadha’ campaign by this brand for which it roped in Virat Kohli, ended up becoming a huge success as it encouraged the youth to share the wedding expenses. The message it conveyed was so relevant.

Glossier's innovative approach

The skincare brand Glossier did something really innovative with their campaign as they chose to go beyond the usual practice and tried something different for endorsing their brand. Including roping in micro-influencers, they also involved their customers for their endorsement purpose. This unique idea was a big hit and it ended up giving their brand a big boost.

Loco's smart move

If you are into gaming then you must have a good idea about Loco. This game streaming platform decided to involve the popular YouTube channel, ‘Filter Copy’, and did a Father’s day special campaign starring TV actors, one of the characters was projected using the Loco app. This clever product placement definitely worked in their favor.

Those were some of the popular campaigns that really were well-conceived and worked in favor of the brand. These influencer marketing campaigns should inspire more innovative campaigns in the future.

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