How Celebrity Endorsements Have Changed in This Age of The Internet


Celebrity branding has been popular for a long time. In The 1950s, cinema in India became mainstream and the brands and businesses started hiring popular movie stars for brand endorsements.
The formula is still prevalent in the age of the internet. Yet, people have also started becoming more aware and calling out any type of dubious advertisements done by celebrities or brands. Here is why celebrity brand endorsement deals have to adapt to the advent of this digital revolution.

This is Why Celebrities Have Changed Their Endorsement Strategies:

  • Internet as an entertainment medium: The internet has exploded in popularity due to the access it provides to any type of content that is uploaded online. From listening to songs, posting pictures, and streaming shows and movies, the internet has a huge traffic of people enjoying such content. Thus companies and brands have the chance to attract this huge population of online users to their products. The top media buying agencies provide advertisement strategies and marketing plans to them.
  • Easy access to the internet:  As smartphones and cheap data plans have become the norm, people can now have access to the internet from any place for online learning, browsing social media, reading news, watching movies, etc. The easy access has also attracted almost every celebrity, politician, government institution, media and communications agency, and other notable personnel. This makes the digital platform the right place for brands for promoting products and services.
  • The rise of influencers: Previously, sports athletes, singers, and movie or drama artists were the most recognized faces in the country. But the internet and social media have led to the rise of unorthodox, homemade celebrities called influencers. They have attracted a huge number of followers online through their creative content, talent, and hard work. These influencers are hired by many brands that have solid social media marketing plans and wish to do promotions online.
The internet has created another expanse for people to do various activities while also providing brands some extra space for attracting potential customers. Thus celebrities have to adapt and reinvent their branding strategies to reach out to people and make a greater impact.



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